Tuesday, July 30, 2013

CPR - Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation... On a Fish?

Every so often (usually 4 times a week), I teach CPR to Doctors, Nurses, Techs, PCA's, Respiratory Therapists and a ton of other medical professionals. I have been doing this for about fifteen years now. In fact, it's gotten pretty big, that we started a business. With out going into to many details, I had a class this morning @ 8am. It was just a standard class, nothing fancy. What was funny, is what had hapened after the class.

Here is Lovie - Female (left), and Dovie - Male (right).
Normally, on Monday through Friday, I teach the class at 8 am, take my shower for work, eat my breakfast, lay down for a few minutes and stare at my fish, get dressed, then leave for work. I do this every morning, day in and day out. It's my "thing".

This morning, I thought to myself "What can I do to help make my fish tank a little more classy?" then thought about different corals I can add. Maybe do something very easy like start with some softies (soft corals) just to add some color to the tank.  As I'm laying there, Lovie, our bigger true percula clown fish (Amphiprion percula), almost kind of heard what I was thinking and swam right to where I was looking as if she was trying to get my attention. I sat up and kind of looked in the tank looking at her. She started doing this like Kissing thing, with her lips (do fish really have lips?). It was wierd! Like she was telling me that she loved my idea. Then she kind of swam off back into her corner and re-joined Dovie (Male, false percula, Amphiprion ocellaris), and seemed to have gone back to sleep.

Then I started to think to myself... I wonder if we're able to do CPR on fish. Crazy Right??? HAVE I LOST MY MIND!!!??? CPR on a fish? Well, lets analyze this for a second. There are fish out in the ocean that are bigger then I am. I'm not talking about sharks, I'm talking about FISH!

This picture on the right is of an Atlantic Goliath Grouper. This FISH is probably half my weight, maybe even more. Is it such a far stretch to believe that it MAY JUST be possible to do CPR on this big guy? I mean come on... at the very least, there has to be at least ONE fish that has died because he choked on another fish!

I say its time to start teach the "abdominal thrust" to the fish in our seas! It may just help with extinction! Do your part! Save a Fish!!!

OK, back to reality. The entire purpose of this post, is because I have to take a 4 hour CPR class tomorrow for my job.... Let me repeat that... I, me, myself, need to take a 4-HOUR LONG, CPR class tomorrow for my job!!! Lets do some math here, I've been teaching doctors, nurses and various other healthcare professionals; CPR every week! I average about 5 students a week, I have had as many as 25 in one class. So if we use the average of 5 students a week, that puts me roughly at 250 students per year give or take a lot more! BUT, because my job is now requiring me to take CPR... I get to sit through the class that I teach 90 percent of the time. At least, I'm able to take the more advanced class, and on top of it, I'm getting paid. So, it kind of works itself out! I guess in the long run, I can start adding some color to my tank with the extra money I'm going to earn while taking CPR! ;o)

Tomorrow subject??? I'm thinking Cookies and Computers! and why they do NOT get along!

Weight loss total since the start : 4 lbs (311 lbs)


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