Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cookies & Computers... (& CPR too!)

So, Today's post, I have decided to briefly talk about the CPR class I had to take today, and vent a little bit about how Cookies and Computers DO NOT get along!

This is my command center at work. 2 monitors, my phone
and my wireless keyboard / mouse combo.
My terrible thought for today, is why do Cookies and Computers not get along? Let me explain!

Almost every day, one of my co-workers likes to eat lunch at my desk; while I'm eating lunch with Lynn at work. I'm not going to name drop, because it's not a big deal, BUT...Without a doubt, I get crumbs, used paper towels / napkins, water condensation from a drink, and the occasional splash marks on my monitors.

I try to be a good fellow, and just clean it up. but what drive me NUTS, is when I have crumbs in my keyboard!! OMFG this drives me nuts! Almost as bad as trying to fit me inside a MRI tube! REALLY?? Yes! Really! I'm extremely claustrophobic, and can not last longer then 10 mins in an MRI. EVEN an OPEN MRI! I go nuts and start having, what I can compare it too, a panic attack. I'm serious!

Last year, I hurt my shoulder. I had to go for an MRI. Lynn and I went to this location for an OPEN MRI that was a real comfortable and homey environment.  I took two tabs of Xanax (proscribed by my doctor) to try to calm me down and I even brought an eye mask to keep me from seeing anything. Lynn was even able to sit by the machine and hold my hand while they were doing the scan. I think I lasted 15 mins and then I freaked out and panicked. I panicked so much I started crying! That's how bad it is for me!

Now, are cookie crumbs that bad? NO, not really, but it still drives me insane! There is nothing worse then coming back from lunch and having to flip your keyboard over to empty the crumbs into the trash bin. I hate trying to type, and the keyboard starts making crunchy noises as if it's eating the cookies! I've even gotten to the point where I start doing it every afternoon because its becoming a habit!

Anyways, I had my ever so exciting CPR class today! It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. When I arrived two people had recognized me as an instructor and asked why I was in the class. I had to explain that the hospital I work at requires EVERYONE to have a CPR class, regardless of your accreditation. The class itself was pretty straight forward, but MAN, what a work out! I haven't doing a full out CPR class since I was like 15 years old. My arms are killing me today! So I guess, I don't really need to work out my arms to hard tomorrow morning at the gym! :o)

With all that being said... Food for thought: 1) Clean up your cookie crumbs! 2) Don't eat near my computer and 3) Take a CPR class! You never know who's life you might save!!!

Tomorrow subject??? Ravage and Soundwave (Transformers.... OR ARE THEY???)

Weight loss total since the start : 4 lbs (311 lbs)


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